Get Out


The image of Rose eating Froot Loops and milk separately can be seen as a metaphor for never mixing nonwhite and white things. Also, "Froot Loops" is slang for a crazy person.

Chris and Rod are shown speaking to each other on the phone throughout the film. The only time that they're physically in the same scene together is at the very end, when Rod finds and rescues Chris. This signifies a strong friendship between the two and, in the spirit of the film's racial themes, black unity and empowerment.

During the "get-together" all party guests are dressed in black, formal clothing. The bingo seats are arranged in rows with an aisle separating them and Chris' face is displayed in a large frame - all of which are perhaps in reference to funerals lending to the films theme of life, death and rebirth.

The sunken place" can be seen as a metaphor for the paralysis people of color feel in racial America.


Get Out